Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 28, 2010


Our garage has recently become the new home to THE BRONCO!! This Bronco is very very special to our family. This was Paw Paw Tuck's Bronco. He bought it in 1970 and it has not been altered in any way. And I do mean in any way :) No a/c, no radio, no power steering, no shoulder seat belts, the shifting gear is on the steering column, it has dual gas tanks that you turn a valve in order to switch between the two, etc... BUT, Paw paw kept it in top notch condition and it still runs like it is brand new. Mason LOVES Paw paw Tuck's Bronco!! He wants to be in it every single day. It is amazing to think that this car has been around for 4 generations and it makes my heart ache to know that Paw paw isn't here to see his great grandson (lit'l tuck) enjoy it as much as he did. Here's to you Paw paw, you are missed every single day.

The Bronco coming down the street

Oh these are also the original paint colors

3rd and 4th generation enjoying the ride

Hanging out on the tail gate :)


Mary Pat said...

What a special addition to your garage! I love the vintage color!!

Jenny said...

This is so cool! I am so happy that you have something so special for y'all and the kids to remember him by!