On Tuesday May 31st Samantha started school (a MDO program). She is attending Heritage Christian Academy (HCA) which is the same school that Mason goes too and the same one she will continue to attend in the fall when school starts again. On the first day she did pretty good at drop off but I think that is only because she didnt really realize she was getting left. I learned at the end of the day that she cried on and off all day long. Her second and third days she was crying when we got there and when I left. Poor baby!! It broke my heart. Today (her fourth day) I actually got out of there with only a frowny face. This to me is progress :) I think she is slowly getting use to the teachers and at pick up today they said that she had had a great day. By the time school starts in August she is definitely going to be an old pro. Here are some shots of her on her first day
A big thank you to my mother in law Amy for whipping up her nap mat in a weekend. It looks amazing and we love it!!
I love that last picture, her with all her cute stuff, sippin on that sippy cup! She is so big and soooo stinkin cute! That nap mat is amazing! I was thinking you made it, teehee! Glad to hear it's only getting better!
Such sweet pictures of Samantha! She's growing up so fast...I know that sounds like the cliche parent thing to say...but I guess that's what happens when you don't see them as much as you want to :) And I love the nap mat!
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