Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My little Cadet

The other night Mason brought me an Aggie Savvy book that he wanted me to read to him. One of the pictures was of three Senior Corp of Cadet members wearing their senior boots and the caption read "Always wear a good pair of boots". Well being as Derrek was in the Corp of Cadets for four years we have a pair of those boots in our house. Derrek asked Mason if he wanted to see daddy's boots and of course Mason said yes. So Derrek went to our master closet to fish out his boots (which sadly have been in their carriers since Derrek graduated). For those of you who dont know, senior boots are a BIG deal. They are the accumulation of three years of blood, sweat and sometimes tears in the corp. These boots are a visible symbol of who is king of the mountain when walking on the A&M campus. Derrek LOVES his boots and bringing them out so show to his son was HUGE!!

Gig Em Aggies!!

Our little Cadet!!


Mary Pat said...

I got so excited when I saw the caption of this post - I just couldn't wait to see the pictures!

I can only imagine how excited Derrek was to have that moment with his son...and how neat it was for you to photograph it!

Mason sure does have that "gig 'em" down!

Sandi said...

Love this! We need to take the kids to College Station one day soon so we can get some pics of them in AggieLand!!! I love Mason's tee shirt!

Amanda said...

That is SO cute! We were cleaning out closets yesterday and Jon pulled his boots out. They are sitting on our pool table because he said the boots shouldn't be hidden! Oops...lol

Jenny said...

oh my goodness, what a special moment! wow! i wonder what kind of moment it will be with you and samantha? when she first asks you about crafting and you show her all your scrapbooks? : )