Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend (picture overload)

Holy crazy busyness is all I have to say about our Halloween weekend. But it really was a BLAST!! It started the morning of Friday the 29th. I dropped Mason off at school and then Samantha and I headed off to Zoo Boo with my mom's group. For Zoo Boo she was dressed as a ballerina (this was her back up costume). It was a super cute event and we will definitely be hitting it up every year. Friday evening I dressed Mason up in his Buzz lightyear costume and we headed to my sisters house for Halloween party #1.

Here they are getting ready to go and all dressed up

To infinity and beyond!

Saturday morning we met up with our friends The Smith's and went to the Pumpkin Chunkin Festival at Mason's school. Yes, it really is all about pumpkin chunking. It was so cool to watch the giant trebuche launch those pumpkins. This is festival #1 of the weekend.

Samantha in her Halloween themed outfit. Aren't those baby legs so cute??

A close up of her cuteness

The boys watching the pumpkins fly through the air (from left Hunter, Mason and Barrett)

Mason, Samantha and Mommy on the train

look how cute she looks standing up in the train car
A shot of the whole train

Mason playing some of the games

Then a fire truck pulled up ( the firefighters must have needed some food or something b/c they were not there for very long) so we took the opportunity to go and take a look.

When the excitement of the fire truck wore off it was back to the games and fun activities

And what better way is there to end a morning then getting an ice cream that is practically the size of your face :)

Saturday evening we once again met up with our friends The Smiths and hit up the fall fest (aka festival #2) at FUMC. Mason was again Buzz Lightyear but Samantha was now in her real costume and was Minnie Mouse. At the end of this festival the kids were going to go around to the sunday school rooms to trick or treat and I volunteered to decorate the door to our sunday school classes room.

It really did come out cute and the best part was that I had all of the stuff I used in my house and didnt have to buy anything :)

here are the kids in front of the door

When the Smiths arrived all cuteness took over b/c (and I will shamelessly take all credit for this idea) Hunter (who is betrothed to Samantha) was the Mickey to her Minnie! These photos are going to be 100% priceless one day in a wedding slide show. We got so many compliments about how adorable they were together.

With all the fuss over how adorable Micky and Minnie were we certainly dont want to leave out the other big brother, Barrett. Here he is as Spiderman.

Another one of Samantha in all her cuteness as Minnie Mouse

Sunday morning was pretty low key but at 3:30pm th efun began again as we headed to The Rutledge House for Halloween party #2. It was a great shindig and the kids had a blast unfortunately I have no pictures of this fun event though :( Sorry Carey! As 5:15pm rolled around we headed off to Halloween party #3 at the Harris household. This party was being thrown by some lovely mommies that I unfortunately dont get to hang out with very much. I use to work out with them in the mornings before school started up again. Oh how I miss those workouts b/c I am very much needing them. Anyways, they too did an amazing job decorating and throwing a fun filled bash. Here are some group shots of the kids.

When we got there Mason was excited that his friend Hayden (who he goes to school with) was there. Small world but Hayden lives next door to the Harris's. Not sure if you can see it on his wheel chair but Hayden had the wheel of fortune game on the wheels. It was so cute (and creative) he even let Mason spin the wheel. heehee!

The little ones

Our one and only family picture from Halloween.

We were only able to hit about 2 houses with our friends at this party b/c Samantha was getting restless. So, we came home and put her to bed and I took Mason trick or treating in our neighborhood (big thanks to Valerie for the embroidered trick or treat bags).

We were so excited to see so many kids out and about this year. We even got rid of ALL of our candy. Wahoo!!!

On Monday (Nov 1) (thats right the fun is still not over) after picking up Mason at school I dressed them up one last time (at least we got our money's worth) and headed to my mom's group halloween party (aka party #4). I again have no pictures of this one, but it was also a ton of fun with a bounce house, pinata's and crafts.

Well there you have it, a fun filled and extremely busy Halloween weekend. We managed to make it through in one piece and we are anxiously awaiting all the fun festivities that next year may have to offer.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun filled Halloween!!


Marks of Faith said...

Nice pics! The kids are so cute!

Jenny said...

HUNTER AND SAMANTHA ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE in their outfits! Oh golly, how I wish I could have seen them in person! Looks like y'all had a blast, but gosh, I am tired for you, that was was one fun filled, yet exhausting Halloween!

Mary Pat said...

What a fun packed weekend!! Samantha and Mason looked so cute in their costumes. And Mickey and Minnie couldn't be a better pair!